Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Home Alone

What does an 8 month pregnant woman do when she is home alone during the week? She (I) watches TV, reads, plays on the computer, and thinks about going to the dollar movie on base but can't quite do it alone. You would think that I would use all my spare time to do my homework so I wouldn't have to worry about it when I go into labor. It sounds like a good idea in theory but I like to make life interesting and wait till the last minute.

Some of you may be wondering why I am home alone during the week. It's because Kamas is finally at school for his "new" job. He has been doing on the job training since March and now he gets to go to school for 10 weeks to "learn" about his job. He is able to come home on the weekends, and by weekends I mean he gets home about 8 pm on Friday and leaves about 2pm on Sunday.

Kamas will be able to come home once I am in labor but he will only be able to stay for a day or two. So I am going to be really sure that it is baby time before I tell him to come home :) So we are really hoping that baby decides to have a birthday party on a weekend. But if I do go into labor during the week then I get to call one of the 3 people I put on baby alert.

My "I think the baby is coming" alert list
  1. Heather, because she lives the closest.
  2. Brianna, because she lives the next closest
  3. Tyler, He lives the farthest away and is at work during the day. He is probably the least excited to be on this list :) He did however give me his work phone number so I could get a hold of him during work hours.

This week however it would be all up to Tyler because Heather and Brianna are both on Vacation. They obviously thought that spending time with their families is more important than waiting for a phone call from me j/k :) I still have 5 weeks till my due date.

Being 8 months pregnant makes me a little emotional (that's a shocker). I usually don't cry because I hate it and it doesn't solve anything. But Sunday night I had a minor break down. 8 months pregnant+home alone+feeling sorry for my self+thinking about a 10 page research paper+a naughty dog that wouldn't go to the bathroom= a pity party for me and a confused and helpless husband on the phone. Don't worry now I am over it :)

Here is one thing that I have learned about being pregnant, going to baby classes by yourself can be super awkward. Especially when you are learning about pain management and how your husband can help you. Kind of hard for Kamas to learn those things when he can't make it the class. Super awkward for me because I had no one to practice with in class. Luckily this week we are learning about epidurals, so hopefully there will be no practicing because it would really be hard to drive home if I couldn't feel my legs.


Brook Wms said...

Oh weed :),
I have so been there and done that as we have talked about before... and it is hard. I am sorry. It will make you tough as nails though. Someone just the other day asked me when I became so fiery and outspoken... it is because I have pretty much had to fend for myself and kids... alone. I know that I am close to home now, but being pregnant with Brenna and having very similar circumstances as you made me realize that I am alot more mentally and spiritually tough than I gave myself credit for... I hope you will find this to be a similar experience. We all love you.

The Mrs. said...

hey you won the book giveaway!

i just need you to email me your info!