- How long have you been a Military Wife? 3 and a half years
- What branch of Service is you husband in? USMC (Marine Corps)
- Active/Reserve? Active
- Whats his job? Amphibious Assault Vehicle (AAV) Crewman
- How many deployments have you gone through? Just started our 3rd
- Camo or dress uniforms on your man? Cammies because he looks like a bad ass :)
- What do you like about being a military wife? I like that I am proud of the job my husband does.
- Do you live on base? Never have, but we will when he gets back.
- What is your favorite base so far? Camp Pendleton
- What is the hardest part of military life? Long separations, hurry up and wait, learning the acronyms (it is seriously a whole other language), and learning military time (after almost 4 years of military life you would think I could figure it out, but I can't)
- Do you go to the grocery store of the commissary? Both
- Do you work or stay at home? Stay at home and I'm going to school
- Do you have a lot of military wife friends? Not a lot, but some
- Do you prefer walmart or the MCX? MCX (Marine Corps Exchange) but walmart was closer to our house
- How did your husband propose? (if you are my parents don't read this answer)The first time we were in his truck making out before he went to boot camp. The next time it was in his parents living room and this time he had a ring. I said yes both times.
- Did you marry him after or before he joined? After, but we were dating before he enlisted
- How long have you been together? We started "hanging out" in May of 2006 but weren't "official" until June of 2006
- Any kids? One, Dixon, who is being so helpful while I type
- Any kids yet to come? Eventually
- Is your husband one of those "I am a soldier hear me HOOAH" types? No because he is a Marine :) but no he is not super Moto (motivated)
- Have you ever done combatives with your husband? Not really sure what combatives are, if it is like MCMAP, than no. He is way bigger than me and does not know how to play soft :)
- How many base have you lived at? I have lived at 2 and Kam has lived at 3
- If you could change one thing about the military? Organization
- Do you like military balls? They are alright but it is sooo hard to find a modest dress
- Where does your family live? Idaho
- What do you do for a job? Take care of D and go to school and be the most awesome wife ever
- Have you ever gotten in a fight with an NCOs wife? nope
- Name one thing you do while your husband is gone? hang out with family and lose some weight (hopefully)
- Do you think other wive do that to? Most def
Slow Start
1 week ago
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:) interesting!
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