Monday, May 2, 2011

What Happens Next?

I am so incredible proud that our Military was able to kill bin Laden. I know that this is a great day for America.
But now all I can think is what happens next? I can only imagine that there will be some attempts from al-Qaida for retaliation and that scares the crap out of me. Since Kam is in Afghanistan near the boarder of Pakistan I am pretty nervous about these next few weeks.
I haven't heard from Kam since early yesterday morning and I'm pretty sure they are in River City (communication blackout with the States)
So while I am proud and of our Military and know that this is a definite blow to al-Qaida, I can only keep wondering what is going to happen next? And pray that nothing does.

1 comment:

Heather said...

I hear ya! Yea for us, but I do wonder what will happen. We're praying for you! I just found your blog through Bre's :).